Friday, 2 November 2012

Day 6 - Pragmatism vs. Perfectionism

Well, half term has come and almost gone. I have spent my days in the fascinating online world of the edublogosphere, twitter, TED and other places I never knew existed. I have learnt so much.

And achieved rather little.

Not quite true, of course. I have put lots of thinking and planning into the gamification of Guided Reading in my classroom. But I'm just not quite ready to put it into action. I really had hoped to have a complete package to unveil to my unsuspecting Y5/6 class and I haven't made it. Perhaps my design is too complicated, but I just don't quite have all the resources perfected - levelled activities for pupils to select from, envelopes stuffed with rewards, leader boards ready for leaders.

And I do also have a life. I'm off to visit family for the weekend and I can't devote more time to my project before Monday.

So I have decided to accept that I can't have a great reveal on Monday and turn it to my advantage. Instead of rushing into it and presenting the class with a done deal, I can spend time talking to them about the project and eliciting their ideas, so that they contribute to the structure of the game mechanics - and hopefully feel ownership and additional engagement as a result. And, of course, I could learn a lot from their experience of game-play. Mine is probably much more limited.

So my plan for Monday is to ask them about their experience of gaming and reward structures and give them the task of thinking about it over the week. It will also give me time to help them create their own avatars for a 'multiplayer classroom' (my copy arrived today, cant wait to get stuck in).

Overall, a happy week with hopefully more to come.


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